Tuesday 26 February 2008


I leave my silence to a co-operative of poetswho have already bruised their mouths against it.
I leave my homesick charm to the scavengers ofspare change who work the old artistic corners.
I leave the shadow of my manly groin to those whowrite for pay.
I leave to several jealous men a second-rate legendof my life.
To those few high school girlswho preferred my work to Dylan'sI leave my stone earand my disposable Franciscan ambitions

L.Cohen from the Nashville Notebooks of 1969

Waiting for Marianne

I have lost a telephone
with your smell in it
I am living beside the radio
all the stations at once
but I pick out a Polish lullaby
I pick it out of the static
it fades I wait I keep the beat
it comes back almost alseep
Did you take the telephone
knowing I'd sniff it immoderately
maybe heat up the plastic
to get all the crumbs of your breath
and if you won't come back
how will you phone to say
you won't come back
so that I could at least argue
L.Cohen from "Flowers for Hitler"

Saturday 2 February 2008


This could be my little
book about love
if I wrote it--
but my good demon said:
'Lay off documents!
'Everybody was watching me
burn my books--
I swung my liberty torch
happy as a gestapo brute;
the only thing I wanted to save
was a scar
a burn or two--
but my good demon said:
'Lay off documents!
The fire's not important!
'The pile was safely blazing.
I went home to take a bath.
I phoned my grandmother.
She is suffering from arthritis.
'Keep well,' I said, 'don't mind the pain.
''You neither,' she said.
Hours later I wondered
did she mean
don't mind my pain
or don't mind her pain?
Whereupon my good demon said:
'Is that all you can do?'
Well was it?
Was it all I could do?
There was the old lady
eating alone, thinking about
Prince Albert, Flanders Field,Kishenev,
her fingers too sore for TV knobs;
but how could I get there ?
The books were gone my address lists--
My good demon said again:
'Lay off documents!
You know how to get there!
' And suddenly I did!
I remembered it from memory!
I found her pouring over the royal family tree,
'Grandma,' I almost said, 'you've got it upside down--
''Take a look,' she said,
'it only goes to George V.'
'That's far enough you sweet old blood!'
'You're right!'
she sang and burned the London Illustrated Souvenir
I did not understand the day
it was till I looked outside
and saw a fire in every window
on the street and crowds of humans
crazy to talk and cats and dogs
and birds smiling at each other!

L.Cohen from Flowers for Hitler